Monday, 7 May 2007

Sessions Redux

Installing the newly renamed Pidgin fired my interest again regarding my sessions issue from day 6. A bit of rooting around on Ubuntu forums lead to me finding that the solution to the problem was to issue the following code:

sudo chown  ~/.config/autostart

which seems to have solved the problem, however it seems that this is only a workaround since there is still an outstanding Launchpad bug. Anyway the issue is solved for the moment.

In the interregnum since my last posting I've been playing around with SoundConverter which I've used to convert some of my mp3's to Ogg Vorbis. SoundConverter will basically read pretty much any format of audio file and convert to FLAC, mp3, wav and Ogg. It works very well, however it seems to be much slower than ripping a CD in the first place. Why this would be I don't know, anyway a very useful tool!

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