Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Day 6 - Do sessions work under Feisty?

After a little while using Feisty and with the hibernation problems I've blogged about recently I decided that it would be useful to set up certain programs to autostart. After a bit of rooting around I found the System -> Preference -> Sessions dialog. Its not the most obvious name for a Newbie to find. I was expecting something like "Start up" or "Auto load/start" rather than Sessions.

Once I found it, everything appeared straightforward to use. Using the Startup Programs tab I added a Gaim. It took me a few reboots to realise that you had to use the Session options tab to save your changes! That aspect is far from user friendly. Why isn't there a Save button on the main dialog? It makes little sense to me to have to go to a totally separate tab in order to save!

Anyway after apparently saving the change and closing the dialog, when the Sessions dialog is reopened the change hasn't been saved, despite no apparent error message. This is irritating, from a Newbie's perspective the feature is difficult to find, operates slightly oddly and appears to be broken. Maybe I've missed something obvious, but it does appear to be broken. For the next few days I've not got time to investigate this, but from my point of view this feature certainly needs some work to make it friendsl.

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